I was born and raised in Ecatepec, Estado de México, a municipality that is part of the metropolitan area of Mexico City. Since I was young, I experienced the phenomena of micromigration that happens in the Valley of Mexico within the urban context, since I had to travel daily 2 hours (one way) to attend school. In consequence, I have a very clear understanding of the challenges that mobility, inclusion, and equity represent in a city. The above-mentioned is the core reason for which I got attracted to architecture. I am convinced that it is a discipline that can transform social, urban and individual interactions as well as behaviors through the design of infrastructures in public and private spaces.
I finished my undergraduate studies with excellence honors in 2020 at Monterrey Tech (ITESM-MTY) and shortly after graduating, I joined FGP-Atelier, a firm in Chicago under the guidance of Francisco Gonzalez-Pulido. During the more than three years I was part of the firm, I got exposed to different typologies; I collaborated in the design of the new Mexico’s City Airport (AIFA) as well as in the design of a community center in Chicago. Furthermore, I got the opportunity to coordinate and collaborate in the design of a mixed use building in Mazatlán, Mexico of more than 100,000m2, driving the project from a conceptual phase to a construction documents stage.
Additionally, I have participated in numerous academic and open competitions. I see open competitions as opportunities to reflect the acquired knowledge and skills in the professional field and translate them to a conceptual and more free context. Two outstanding projects, that are result of these competitions, are HOKING and Metro-Greenhouse.
More recently I got admitted at Cornell University to persue the MS.AAD degree (Master in Science in Advanced Architectural Design). Due to my trajectory I got selected to be recipient of the “Director’s Award”, the “Kittleman Graduate Award in Architecture, Art, and Planning” and a Teaching Assistantship. Specifically, during my time at Cornell, I want to explore the implementation of resource production systems in conventional architectural typologies and see which is the outcome of that operation. Furthermore, another recent interest that I have is the migration phenomena that is occurring at a microscale (inside and within cities) and a macroscale (regional and multinational). I am convinced of the critical relevance of that specific topic in the current context between Mexico and the U.S. and I am very curious about which could or might be the role of architecture in such a complex and multifactorial situation.